viper env and map structure

1 min readNov 14, 2023

In project I set config like this

  • map structure to map config.yaml with model
  • use viper to load it
type Config struct {
MyString string `mapstructure:"MyString"`
MyInt int `mapstructure:"MyInt"`
MyBool bool `mapstructure:"MyBool"`
MyArray StringSlice `mapstructure:"MyArray"`

func main() {

// Automatically load environment variables into Viper

// Create a configuration structure
var config Config

// Use Viper's Unmarshal to decode environment variables into the structure
if err := viper.Unmarshal(&config); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error decoding configuration:", err)


but in server use env instead config so use AutomaticEnv for check if have env key match will replace it

I used to set MyArray separate by space that when I don’t use map structure

MyArray=aaa bbb ccc

I set value directly by viper.GetStringSlice and It work

Config.MyArray=: viper.GetStringSlice("MyArray"),

But if use map structure default delimiter is comma!!

if use space delimiter string cannot separate to array

